1895 Films Internship Program a Big Success

The idea was to offer college students a transformative experience, leaving a lasting impact on their lives and future careers. And so far, the 1895 Films Internship Program - a collaboration with Kent State University’s College of Communication and Information - has been an exciting success.

The original plan for the program was developed during a chance meeting between our executive producer Tom Jennings and CCI Dean Amy Reynolds in California a few years ago. They envisioned an internship opportunity where Kent State students spend their summers living in the Los Angeles area and commute to the 1895 Films offices in Sherman Oaks, California.

Since then, the successful program has served as a gateway to the film industry for aspiring students interested in digital media production, journalism, and other related subjects.

Former interns have called the program a game-changer, recounting how it opened doors for them to meet established Hollywood creators and film professionals, broadening their horizons and expanding their skill sets in the process.


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